♥ Tuesday, October 30, 2007
my buys this week: ( i think im suddenly in the shopping mood.. but $$$ wise =( )

my alt for the rock music tee.

my want! but so not suitable for me. because im so not gangster. i made a comment in class today that im a studious girl. lol? and received stupid feedbacks.

when huiyi blogs more on the trip, i will slowly refer and do mine soon! stay tuned!
weeeek russ k winter version
my new timetable gonna be embarking from next week <3
mon - 12pm - 3pm
tues - 1pm - 4pm
wed - 9am - 5pm
thurs - 12pm - 5pm
fri - 9am - 11am
(i uds i sound weird because i seem to have many timetables. lol)
skipped sch on fri, and skipped sat's microsoft enrichment program.
skipped today's lecture. more to come. =p
off ta do swen report conclusion and maybe touch on presentation and also to design e-commerce website's logo. argh.
so much to do and so little time.
and worse is i dont feel its crucial.
ps: STRUDEL-ING with GIRLS tml! =D
♥ Wednesday, October 24, 2007
omg im so caught up with school. i think my sleeping time is definitely insufficient for me.
i think a five days sch is already a torture for me. but i think for the school, they prolly think otherwise.
because they are making us attend Microsoft's enrichment program on saturday. and it last till evening. faints. but since its from Microsoft, i will try my best to drag myself to school.
and like -.-", we have homework to complete like almost everyday, at least it is so for the past 3 days.
and next week is only week 2, and we have problem package to submit.
swen's teacher is so sigh...
bottom line, tp really s*cks.
damn sad k. money picker. hahaha.
hes actually damn cute, and his dressing is damn good.
i will blog about the taiwan trip when i have the time ok.
im still trying my best to recall when and where.
♥ Friday, October 19, 2007
seems like we are still whining over issues like not buying enough from Taiwan.
and brooding over matters like where have our money disappear to since our harvest are not sumptuous enough.
im so pissed with the 80stees spree. the organizer is taking ages. near to 3 months already. overboard.
sch is starting on monday oh no. my timetable is bad, though im with most of my classmates.
i have two different timetables for this sem. 1 for each term. both as bad.
term 1
monday - 12pm - 5pm
tuesday - 10am - 4pm
wednesday - 9am - 5pm
thursday - 9am - 5pm
friday - 9am - 11am
term 2
monday - 12pm - 6pm
tuesday 9am - 6pm
wednesday - 9am - 5pm
thursday - 9am - 6pm
friday - 9am - 12pm
term 2 is really bad. looking at all the 6pm and 5pm turns me off.
i only have 2 modules for term 1. doing them in blocks. hurh.
life is not getting any better. more miracles please.
huiyi says its my lover's song. i dont feel that happy lah.
HAA. but yeah! its my favourite song currently!
damn cute.
we should have concentrated more on the performance instead of laughing at him that day on the concert lah! to think he was just right infront of us and i wonder what we were doing. knn.
zaizai's new song is stupid.
jay's song is cute. heee hah! lol
♥ Wednesday, October 17, 2007
kept mobtv-ing(metamorphosis). caught up with all the episodes that i missed when i were in taiwan.
oh yah i forgot to mention that im back! yes!
but i think we NEED to get back to taiwan soon!
hahah hrmmmmm.. because..... taiwan is good.
i need more shopping there!
we shall start saving now. yah right.
kbox twice in 3 days. all huiyi's fault. shes really a bitch. cause she keeps bombarding me with her vulgarities. lol.
shu ming must be her best friend. lol.
shu wei must be her idol. lol!
hee hah.
went for sem-briefing today. the timetable will be out tml. god bless.
wait till peifen reminds me which places we went on each day for the taiwan.
den i will slowly try to blog!
work this sunday.
till then.....
♥ Saturday, October 06, 2007
im in taiwan now.
in some very random smoky webcafe. will most prob contract lung cancer when i leave here.
this is the 8th morning now in taiwan.
got lots of nonsense. face stuffs such as masks etc.
i need to get more clothes please.
and i need to change more money.
i have already spent more than 1200 dollars here and yet i need more.
everything was quite fun. (except the 16th level typhoon (柯羅沙颱風) now that affects our schedule)
thank god the official website states the concert will continue despite the typhoon.
this was what they announced-
our hotel room used to be very nice till today they made us change into two disgusting rooms.
we met really quite a number of weirdos and cb kias here.
like one yesterday in the buffet restaurant.
he was damn crude to us. when i scolded samm fu. he pointed at samm and imitated!
WHAT RIGHTS HE HOLD. damn funny though.
and he kept being sarcastic to us. damn keen to know where we come from.
i refused to let them tell him.
although hes the best looking there; he does not hold the authority to ask us to eat and stop talking.
like hey. its our mouth. if you cannot understand english its your prob.
and theres one point he say we were from thai. =.="
he cooked our fish for us unwillingly and even put all the charcoal color-liked food on my plate and stick out his tongue. KNN. still say what cause you pretty give me. knn.
we love playing basketball machines here. but its damn tiring!
tml i hope uchi will appear. but HAHA ITS MOST PROB NOT POSSIBLE.
we got to see energy though. its pure luck.
and the 2moro guy. either one. haha
we missed chen yi today.
i wonder tml for news concert who do i like exactly.
no uchi, no kusano. then maybe ryo chan.
alright enough. im going to surf net.